Virgo Season - Earth Yin Energies
Grounding energies Rules the intestines/gut health/mental health. In its highest form, its acts of service, solving problems, practicalities, order, organizing and all about the detailed plan.
The Shadow energies - OCD tendencies, over fixated on outcomes, perfectionism, self sabotage, overwhelm/anxiety, spread too thinly
Hello and Welcome to Virgo Energies- so interesting that when I searched for Grounding Images I got coffee beans, ground beef burgers and Tibetan temples!! No wonder why we have so much trouble grounding our energies!!!
We are still in the New Virgo Moon Energies of seeding and grounding our intentions. In the moon circle last night we meditated on the metaphor of planting a seed (our intentions) into fertile soil, watered it and nurtured it and the joyful ecstasy when that seed becomes a tiny sprout of green.
It is very much a time of a bodily stock take check up -
How is your health?
How much are you moving your bodies?
How much sleep are you getting?
What are the niggly signs in your body that you are ignoring?
How are your mental energies - on full throttle and can't turn off or exhausted and can't find your words?
How is your menstrual cycle - the color of the blood, length, pain, heaviness in the body, bloating are telling you the health of the rest of your body. Your period is like your bodies report card - we should not experience any pain, bloating, cramps etc - these are signs that your Womb/uterus is possibly out of alignment. If there is major stress in your life your womb will not be receiving enough nourishing blood and oxygen also contributing to painful, heavy cycles.
What foods agree with your body and what foods disrupt?
You get the picture - Virgo is a clean up and clean out and thats not just your wardrobes!!
Virgo rules our Throat Chakras and Mercury is its ruling Planet. Mercury has just come out of retrograde so we are transversing timelines again from the 17th July. Going over details, rethinking decisions or having a change of heart or more news/information coming in around themes from mid July. Keep working with these rejigs and things will be clearer after the 15/9.
Speaking into our truth and becoming aware of how many times we close our throat chakras down for fear of rejection, embarrassment, confrontation avoidance, being humiliated OR the times we have spoken and then second guessed ourselves and berated ourselves for it, even if it was right!!
This New Moon was opposite Saturn - so you may be working through who and what you want to be responsible for. What IS worth putting more effort in if it feels aligned or what ISN'T worth your time if you feel your boundaries are eroded and you're trying hard but getting no where
All these things are your Health Stock Take!! When we let something go or allow changes, it opens us up to all of which is aligned for our soul purpose and the flow of life becomes sooooo much easier.
Set your intentions and feel, like really FEEL how you would feel if those intentions were granted this moment!
Eat well, move your bodies, get enough sleep.
Set daily healthy mind rituals - via meditation or breath work
Its ok to not be everything for everyone at your own expense of energy - pull back on the non essentials
Check in with your nervous system - can it switch off and quieten or are you always ön"
Womb massage is wonderful for gut health and all digestive issues as it works by moving lymph into the lower pelvis area nurturing organs with blood and warmth. It's stress relief for the nervous system, endocrine, digestive, reproductive and respiratory systems - amazing!
Reiki Subtle Body Energy Healings and Sound Therapy are another way to help the brain unwind and soften into relaxation. When we are in stress mode constantly our solar plexus tightens -this is where the adrenals are - I can always tell if the energy meridians are not flowing optimally here as the other chakras will also suffer - for eg if our self esteem is low and our minds are in full flight self sabotage mode, the energy gets 'stuck' here and doesn't flow upward to the heart and throat chakras. Our ability to receive loving abundance and speak into what we truly feel is compromised.
You can read more about Energy Sessions and Womb Sessions here - so magical!
One last tidbit that I hope helps this week, is Mars makes a square to Neptune - this isn't an easy transit so please take heed, be patient and go gently and expect the unexpected this week!
The Energy can feel extremely tired, like exhausted tired so listen to that in your bodies. Its frustrating energy of impatience, losing things, plans/words/communications dissolving. Eruptive conversations that actually have no point and go round and round into nothing but leave you hot under the collar! People going into total avoidance mode and you get stuck with the job!!
You get the point - use your words and energy wisely this week
Much Love