Hello Everyone,
Here is a little read to review the current Libra/Aries Eclipse cycle we are now in the throes of.
This cycle started last July 2023 and to me it feels like this eclipse is like the final curtain call.
To recap the South Node (where this New Moon will be at) is the karmic baggage we lump around, repetitive cycles that aren't for our highest good any longer, lessons we have learned but don't want to take forward.
The North Node is our destiny point that our souls are working towards for personal growth, harmony, love and abundance. Its a new energy and not always comfortable but if we keep ourselves in the same patterns we never discover our full potential.
Eclipse cycles are around 18 months and are always about endings and new beginnings.......
This New Moon in Libra is near the South Node in Libra again so it has been nudging us and giving us signs for the past 16 months of what is out of balance and harmony in all things relationships to others and self. This can be in any area that Libra falls in your chart such as relationships house, money house, career house, health house etc so that 'house' that Libra falls in in your chart is the clue to where this will be playing out in your lives.
With Eclipses things are often hidden and we don't see the whole story until the eclipse cycles through the signs of Aries and Libra every 6 months, but by now as we near the end of this cycle, it should be becoming clear of what needs to be shed. Libra asks us to delve into where we keep the peace too often, where we don't speak up for fear of confrontation or anger, where we say yes but really mean no, of where we 'sit on the fence' and can't make a decision, of where you put everyone else first and completely neglect your own needs.
Mercury is sandwiched with this New Moon too so expect a lot more thinking time, information and or news coming in, people/events from the past to arise, the details of where your energy is being drained around others will also become apparent.
We may not be able to see a clear path of what we are stepping into but that is eclipse energy, releasing the old to embrace the new with trust and assertiveness. If it feels calm and happy within, you know you are on the right track. If things/people/situations still have a certain amount of
'íck' to them, that is your clue!
The surrounding planets also will be throwing their energies onto this eclipse in the form of Mars in Cancer squaring (tension) this moon - think emotions and self care that is repressed in the form of irritability/tenderness around deep memories, ancestral trauma, feeling safe, mother issues, our emotional needs. As always Eclipses just highlight what was already there but what we may have turned a blind eye too. So self care, gentleness, really reflecting on personal boundaries and your needs with this one. Permission to oneself to investigate the deeper issues of our emotions is the key to these tenser energies.
Saturn also has a hand in this energy but its softer, offering us insights to see where our personal boundaries are being eroded and offering practical energies to allow more flow and change into our lives so we are not so stagnate.
Mars in Cancer is there for a looooong time - until April next year so our emotions and self care will be highlighted. Once again it depends which house Cancer is in in your chart as to where this will playing out for you. It is a courageous opportunity to delve into our inner realms which isn't always comfy but so freeing when we realize what is holding us back.
As Cancer rules the Womb, Womb work, Energy and ancestral clearing are gentle therapies to help clear and heal motherlines and family lines. Some of what we deal with in this life time, isn't even ours, its been passed down from generation to generation until someone says ' I see this, and this is not mine and I no longer wish to carry this any more for myself and my children and their childrens children '
DNA, trauma, family patterns and disease from seven generations before us can be held in our energetic fields and chakras. Energy work can be so clearing and enlightening of the patterns we carry in our own bodies and energy. Mars in Cancer will definitely be a triggering time for some, so please please reach out for help from any trusted source that resonates with you.
We all need a little extra help and love sometimes. This is my niche.
Carve some time and space for yourselves with this New Moon week. For women and our hormones it is always a much more sensitive time for us especially if you are bleeding in sync with the new moon each month. It is a time of less doing, of retreating within and really ascertaining what is out of balance in our lives. When our minds are quiet, the intuition flows. Your body always knows.
I still have a couple of spaces in this Sundays Meditation and Sound Bath Class - a divine reset for the week. The Moon circle tomorrow is full but I will do another one in November.
Thank you so much for reading, it means so much to me
From my heart to yours
Kat xoxox