The Pisces Super Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse occurs early tomorrow morning... I spoke a little of these energies at the Stretch Meditation Class last Sunday, but as Pisces is in MY third house of communication, I felt I needed to write some more!!
This Full Moon is poignant as it starts a new Eclipse cycle that will last until early 2025 - Eclipse energies are the North Node representing our destiny, soul evolutionary aspects (what we are striving to grow into) opposite the South Node which represents our past, our karmic baggage, the stuff we already know really well and its so comfy we like to stay there! But if we just stay the same, we never really grow and expand into all we can be!
Eclipse Season is two weeks apart from now until the New Moon in Libra.
This Pisces Moon is a sensitive one representing our emotions and our boundaries. It is also highly spiritual and empathetic. The Moon will be sandwiched between Saturn - our stern keeper of boundaries, time, restrictions, determination and Neptune - the dreamy planet of timeless flow and creativity The Moon represents our feminine energies, our emotional needs and intuitive, soft yin energy within. So you can see there is some huge opposing energies around Grandmother Moon!
A full Moon is always opposite the Sun which is in Virgo - the earth sign of Health, cleansing the body practical details, it rules our Gut health and mental energies.
So the first thing we pay attention to is practical ways to take care of your body
The second is our Emotions - we don't like to acknowledge big emotions as we may feel embarrassed, feel like we could be labelled as dramatic or over the top or even worse, not have our emotions acknowledged - like totally brushed off and told to get on with it !!!
Sometimes our feelings are so big they produce big emotions - to move through this, it is always best to "be"with the emotion, sit with it, acknowledge it, journal it or talk about it. Its not always comfy but ignoring it and shoving it back in the box just means it will poke out again at some time. Even when we THINK we are done with something, if it comes back again, it means there is another layer of healing to walk through which over time will get less and less. However if we fight it or refuse to acknowledge it, it just simmers away festering under the surface.
The Moon next to Saturn is the energy of emotional boundaries and practical ways to bring more of this into your life. The Moon also next to Neptune will help to highlight what it is we avoid or put our heads in the sand about to avoid the real issues ! - ie netflix numbing out, drinking, drugs, endless scrolling. How we can flow better but not over extend our boundaries to the point where we are exhausted.
Pisces energies can also be a little Martydom - people feel good when they do things for others, but feeling like they have to do everything for everyone for personal gratification and then telling everyone how overworked they are just screams a lack of self worth and self esteem. Saturn here is stern and will pull the wool from our eyes right through to May next year, tidying up our leaky areas, the root cause and where we get a bit disillusioned and lost.
Just like the Moon is swelling to a big supersized sphere of water energy so will our emotions and personal needs - this can get ratty if our needs aren't being met.
So take big breaths, remove yourselves from any toxic situations to give yourselves some space rather than reacting, journal your feelings, enquire within where they are really coming from within you and why.
Balance this water energy with Virgo Earth Energy - nature time, practical cleaning out draws etc, a health check- book the appt you have been avoiding. Start the gentle exercise you have been putting off to Spring ( spring is here!). Cleanse the body with nourishing food and water.
Meditate in any way that works for you
Sound Therapy is amazing for resetting our brain waves to a more relaxed state.
Being among like minded people that are on your energetic frequency - or create better boundaries around those who you have to see but feel heavy afterwards
Cleanse your energy each night in the shower.
The Next eclipse in two weeks is in Libra which will really highlight what has been out of balance for you around relationships, fairness, justice, over giving, people appeasing, where we lose our personal power. This cycle has been rolling since April 2023 with the eclipses last October 2023 and April this year. They start to tell a story or a theme and usually create change to align with what is in balance and harmony for you.
So you can see it all feeds into each cycle of where we are being nudged to evolve, change, take the chance, trust and surrender without control.
Where all of this happens for you depends on which Astrological House Pisces and Virgo reside in. There are 12 houses that pertain to different areas of our lives for Eg my Pisces is in my 3rd house - communication, teaching, spiritual intuition, extended family, short trips Libra is in my 10th house of career and work roles, my image and holy wow have I had some big let gos of this last 18 months around work, but the letting go has created so much more opportunity for me to step into what really speaks to my soul. An astrology reading can give you the heads up on where this will play in what areas of your life - Amazing!!
And in true Neptune Pisces Energies - I have lost track of time and over flowed with my writings so if you have made it this far, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Have a gentle, flowing, Full Moon
Much Love
Kat xo