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Leo Energies - How is your heart energy?

Hola... Does anyone else feel like that we haven't even started August but here we are half way through!!

The Energies are literally everywhere at the moment, leaving us feeling a little scattered, chasing our tails, overwhelmed, having conversations we don't really want to have, feeling stuck one minute but then in overdrive the next!!!! I am feeling all of this too if you resonate with this.

We are heading into a big Full Moon next week which I feel this one, will be challenging to say the least...

The Sun is in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius - this highlights our heart desires versus our uniqueness. Are you living a heart felt life or are you following the crowd. You can tell the people who are leading heart filled lives by their energy or their passion when they speak of what they do - its infectious in a good way!

This Moon is in fixed energy - where we are stuck and afraid to shift or resistant to change.

What emotions are you holding on to or continually fixate on that lowers your heart energy?

Its energy of freedom versus discipline - what you have to do to feel free and sometimes that takes work or time. A lot of planets in mutable signs are also pushing us to be more flexible, or go with the flow more. Some of us may feel super impatient around this time as we want everything to happen now but Saturn in retrograde is saying Hold up, have you got all the facts before you jump in, have you really put the time and discipline in to achieve what it is you're seeking.

And here is the clanger all of this is happening while Mercury is in retrograde so news, decisions, information will keep coming to light or be revisited right up to mid September. I feel there is a lot of discernment with this Moon with Mercury in Retrograde - we want all the answers but it just isn't clear so cool your jets and maybe assess different options !

And as always drop back into your heart energy versus your mind energy. Switch off from all the crap on Tv or socials and ground back into Nature, Leo season is heart energy - have heart felt conversations with people. Be your own heart detective - notice when your heart feels closed around people/places or when it feels like your heart is open and soaring. Leo is courage and bravery - if your heart is feeling heavy, can you shift or move that energy by bringing into your awareness something that raises your heart energy? This Moon is all about being your unique, weirdo self. We don't have to fit in if your heart isn't feeling it - intentionally call in your heart and soul tribe for these are the folk that will make your heart energy soar and open and be unapologetically you!

I am off to fill my heart full with my Island time at Minjerribah next week - I have been incredibly busy with Womb Healing Sessions and Energy Sessions for which I am so so grateful for but I recognize the signs of tiredness in my body and energetic field so it's time to recharge!

The more I ground into Nature and myself, the more intuitive I become - some fun facts about me if you've read this far that I don't "show" on Instagram are... my Unique and wonderful self!!

I am able to to tune into peoples bodies when working with energy to feel physically and emotionally what they are feeling. I will feel pain in my body if they are experiencing pain and can work out the chakra that needs help from there.

I am clair audient - my guides and beings speak to me and give me messages some times for you to hear. Sometimes a loved one will cross over to tell me how they passed (i feel the symptoms in my body)

I can hear sound frequency above the normal noises we hear around us and able to channel that into the meridians and chakras of my client. ( which is why I work with sound healing so much!)

I can read tarot and astrology charts as predictive energies.

They are telling me to stop hiding these gifts and speak of them to help others - so I have shared

Much love and Full Moon Blessings


Ps its a Super moon - closest to earth so we will defs be feeling this one!!

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